Raising awareness about antibiotic resistance, responsible use of antibiotics and promoting health and hygiene is important to limit the antibiotic resistance problem worldwide.

Awareness raising campaigns have the potential to increase knowledge on antibiotics, their appropriate use, side-effects and limitations. Initiatives should aim at changing behavior instead of just providing information. It is important to take into consideration the target audience when communicating key messages.

Get started

Where awareness raising initiatives do not exist, they should be established. Where they do, they can be repeated or constantly improved upon. Campaigns should be based on behavioral change theories and can then be supplemented with a variety of activities based on their incremental value and the needs of the setting.

Use the Toolbox

RAISE AWARENESS: Set up a campaign describes the use of a five-step project management process to start or strengthen work to raise awareness about antibiotic resistance.

Campaign materials houses a selection of materials, fact sheets, videos and other tools that may be used directly or as inspiration for awareness campaigns on antibiotic resistance and related issues in the community.

Education and training pulls together materials that can be used for awareness raising in civil society including presentations and relevant courses.


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