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Toolbox  –  Raise Awareness

Campaign materials

This page collects a selection of past and existing campaigns, which provides campaign materials, manuals for implementation and inspiration for creating your own awareness raising campaign on antibiotic resistance.

Before starting, it is useful to develop a structured campaign plan outlining aims and objectives and the implementation process, including how to monitor and evaluate the initiative.

Participants with message boards in a walk to raise awareness about smart use of antibiotics in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Participants in a walk to raise awareness about smart use of antibiotics in Jakarta, Indonesia. Courtesy of YOP.

In addition, the subpages contain a collection of specific materials for inspiration or use:

Selected Resources

Resource Description
Antibiotic resistance symbol Symbol. The winner of a global design contest aiming to find a symbol representing antibiotic resistance and the need to care for the antibiotics we have. Arranged by EU-JAMRAI. Instructions for how to craft the symbol at home are available at the site.
World Antimicrobial Awareness Week Campaign site of WHO that provides resources and campaign materials to facilitate activities during world antimicrobial awareness week. Also offers an opportunity to share activities online.
World Hand Hygiene Day – SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands Campaign site. Annual global campaign aimed at making hand hygiene a priority, and viewed as an essential action in the delivery of safe, quality care. Provides for example an advocacy toolkit, tools and a possibility for health facilities to register their commitment to hand hygiene.
SuperAmma Campaign for Changing Hand Washing Behaviour Campaign site. A behavior change communication campaign to encourage hand washing with soap. This site provides the approach and the materials that worked successfully in southern India to inspire and assist you in your behavior change campaign. The SuperAmma intervention showed that substantial increases in hand washing with soap can be achieved using emotional drivers ”].
TippyTap Campaign site. A community-based intervention for hand washing in settings without access to running water. The site’s tools feature manuals, promotional materials and information on the importance of hand washing.
Beat bad microbes Campaign organized by the University of Reading and the Rwanda Community Pharmacists Union to raise antimicrobial resistance awareness and provide essential materials for pharmacists to better support community members.
Scaling Up Life-Saving Commodities for Women, Children, and Newborns: An Advocacy Toolkit Toolkit providing a guidance on strategic advocacy, including tangible actions and tools that advocates can adapt for use within their countries. It aims to mobilize support in scaling up access to 13 life-saving commodities, including injectable antibiotics and amoxicilin instrumental for maternal and child health.
Become a WHO hero and pledge to fight antimicrobial resistance Campaign. Online application where different stakeholders (community, physicians, pharmacists and veterinarians) can make pledges to contribute to the global efforts to fight antimicrobial resistance. Developed for World Antimicrobial Awareness Week.
Campaign to get Antibiotics off the menu Campaign from Consumers International to get multinational restaurant chains to stop serving meat from animals routinely given antibiotics included on the WHO’s list of medically important antibiotics. Provides for example facts and infographics.
Prescription (PDF 266kb) Campaign material. A mock-up prescription aimed at policy makers to make them support a proposal on more prudent antibiotic use in veterinary medicine. An example of a creative way to raise awareness, initiated by the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC).
CIDRAP communication toolkit Toolkit developed by CIDRAP that includes infographics, videos and posters for communication and raising awareness campaigns of antibiotic resistance.
Communication Toolkit for Health Departments: Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antibiotic Resistance Toolkit developed by ASTHO and CDC for creating communication strategies and raising awareness of healthcare-associated infections and antibiotic resistance. Can be modified to reflect local or regional circumstances.
AMR VOICES: Stories from the frontlines of antimicrobial resistance during Covid-19 Report from the Longitude Prize. Contains real-life stories from patients and health professional from different parts of the world who are or have been affected by antimicrobial resistance. Describes how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their lives and what they think needs to change in the response to the slow-moving pandemic of antimicrobial resistance.