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About the toolbox

Take action on antibiotic resistance

Welcome to the ReAct Toolbox, an online and open access knowledge repository that collects evidence-based information for action on antibiotic resistance. The aim of the Toolbox is to provide inspiration and guidance on what can be done to address this pressing issue from a holistic perspective, with a specific focus on low-resource settings. The Toolbox is aimed at policy makers, intergovernmental organizations, human and animal health professionals, university students, civil society organisations and other stakeholders involved in implementation of antibiotic resistance interventions and research, or that have an interest in learning more about antibiotic resistance and what can be done.

The Toolbox is built on what has been done in the past in a variety of settings and is aligned with ongoing and current initiatives from across the globe. It combines practical advice on how to address the problem with inspirational examples and links to external resources.

The Toolbox, an ever-evolving resource

Antibiotic resistance is a complex problem that requires action on many levels in society and across different sectors, which means the landscape is rapidly and constantly changing. New actors enter the field, new scientific evidence is generated, new policies are implemented, and new resources and guidelines are being produced. As our knowledge about antibiotic resistance increases and changes, so do the best strategies to tackle the problem. Therefore, the Toolbox will constantly evolve.

Selection of material

Within the Toolbox you will find selected materials from a variety of sources. When possible, we prioritize selecting material from sources such as the World Health Organization, World Organisation for Animal Health and country or region specific public health agencies. In most cases, ReAct does not own or have the rights to the materials, however we connect you with the original site where you may obtain information on how to access them. We try our best to find open-source materials that are free of charge to use.

There are also many initiatives that have been undertaken by dedicated champions across the globe. A selection of these are included because we believe these experiences and stories may inspire further action. To gather these examples, ReAct has drawn on our long-standing experience working in the field as well as on input from our extensive network, which includes representatives from civil society organizations, governmental agencies and universities.

We are also interested in the links between antibiotic resistance and larger social issues within the sustainable development framework, such as gender equality and poverty reduction. While data are sparse on these connections, our ambition is to present these perspectives throughout the Toolbox.

Our expertise

ReAct was founded more than 15 years ago and is now present on five continents where we work on antibiotic resistance from a holistic perspective. Our in-house expertise is mainly within human health, which is reflected in the Toolbox. The sections covering food animals are nevertheless still providing a good starting point for holistic work on antibiotic resistance. The experts behind the Toolbox have knowledge within a number of areas related to antibiotic resistance and health, including infectious diseases, global health, veterinary practice and antibiotic resistance research. We also consult experts on specific topics for validation or review of content. In addition, input comes from our advisory group and network of stakeholders working in different parts of the world. We are an independent network and do not accept funding from the pharmaceutical industry.

We value your opinion and welcome questions

In short, the Toolbox attempts to collect and organize material and stories from all areas that are relevant in work to tackle antibiotic resistance. We welcome input and suggestions on resources to include and inspirational examples to add. If you have input or questions about the content in the Toolbox contact us at and we will do our best to assist you.

Welcome to the ReAct Toolbox, and good luck on your work to stop the spread of antibiotic resistance!