In focus

ReAct statement on the final version of the Political Declaration on AMR

On Monday September 9, the final version of the Political Declaration on AMR was submitted to office of the President of the 79th General Assembly (PGA), by the Ambassadors of Malta and Barbados, co-conveners of the political negotiation process. In their transmission letter they note that they believe the current text is ‘capable of achieving broad consensus’.


ReAct - Action on Antibiotic Resistance

ReAct is an independent network dedicated to the problem of antibiotic resistance. ReAct is a global catalyst, advocating and stimulating for global engagement on antibiotic resistance through a broad range of collaborations.

Dialogue on!

Join X-dialogue! Can people become community leaders in tackling the global challenge of AMR?

The upcoming United Nations High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), scheduled for the 26th of September 2024 in New York, presents an important opportunity to raise our voices as the new political declaration is considered.

As a lead-up to this event, ReAct and The AMR Narrative are jointly organizing a community dialogue on (previously Twitter), which will take place on the 10th of September 2024 at 4:00 pm CEST (2:00 pm GMT, 4:00 pm CAT, 3:00 pm BST, 10:00 am EDT). 17 experts will be part of the conversation online, and you are welcome to join!

This 60-minute dialogue will focus on how people, patients, carers, and survivors can become community leaders in tackling the global challenge of AMR.

Global Campaign

From people to leaders: Act on AMR NOW!

Join the global campaign to amplify the voices of communities and civil society in the global response to antimicrobial resistance! The signatures collected will be submitted along with the asks to Member States attending the UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AMR 2024.

Key takeaways

LMIC roundtable on global governance on antibiotic resistance

Key takeaways from a recent discussion on “Improving the future governance of the global response to antibiotic resistance”.


ReAct's Impact Report 2023

In 2023, ReAct made significant strides in advancing the fight against antibiotic resistance. We are proud to share ReAct annual impact report for work carried out in 2023. ReAct has grown into a dynamic network, intensifying our efforts to act stronger on antibiotic resistance on global, regional, and national scales. Learn more and download report!



ReAct briefing for UN HLM AMR

New ReAct Brief: Antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest & most urgent cross-border health crises of our time – but still not addressed as such!

New ReAct briefing note out ahead of the UN General Assembly High-level meeting on AMR in September, 2024.


World Microbiome Day 2024: Dialogue on alternative to war metaphor in medicine

Join the ReAct Latin America event tomorrow on #WorldMicrobiomeDay!

A dialogue on alternatives to war metaphor in medicine. The event will be held in Spanish and English. Click to learn more and register

We are global

ReAct is a global network of antibiotic resistance experts with nodes in Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe and Latin America.


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Your gift means a great deal. With your donation you will help address antibiotic resistance.

The ReAct Toolbox

The ReAct Toolbox is a user-friendly web-based resource that provides inspiration and guidance to take action and develop national action plans on antibiotic resistance. It is built on what has been done in the past in a variety of settings, and is aligned with ongoing and current initiatives from across the globe.

Antibiotic resistance

In the last 70 years the use of antibiotics has been crucial in improving countless lives and drastically reducing deaths caused by bacterial infections. The increasing development of antibiotic resistance is posing a serious threat to human health and development, the environment and for animal health. Learn more about antibiotic resistance here.

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