Created in 2005 ReAct is one of the first international independent networks to articulate the complex nature of antibiotic resistance and its drivers. ReAct was initiated with the goal to be a global catalyst, advocating and stimulating for global engagement on antibiotic resistance by collaborating with a broad range of organisations, individuals and stakeholders.
Organization and Governance
ReAct is set up as a network of regional offices called nodes. Each node is hosted by an institution such as a civil society organization or a university that assists with most legal, economic and HR issues. ReAct is governed by the Global Leadership Group (GLG) where all node Directors are automatically members.
ReAct’s Global Leadership Group
Mirfin Mpundu, Director ReAct Africa
Dr. S.S. Lal, Director ReAct Asia Pacific
ReAct in four continents
ReAct’s nodes are located in Ecuador, India, Zambia, and Sweden.
ReAct’s four nodes:
ReAct Africa
Based in Lusaka, Zambia catalyzes African action on antibiotic resistance and engages sub-Saharan African countries in the development and implementation of National Action Plans.
ReAct Asia Pacific
Based at the Global Institute for Public Health, India, works to mobilize policy makers, healthcare providers and the public using a holistic perspective and encouraging locally appropriate and innovative initiatives to address antibiotic resistance.
Learn more about ReAct Asia Pacific
ReAct Europe
Based at Uppsala University in Sweden, works across the world on science and policy issues related to antibiotic resistance and acts as the coordinating node for the network.
ReAct Latin America
Based at the Child to Child Foundation in Cuenca, Ecuador, mobilizes change at the local and grassroots level by focusing on changing the paradigm for how antibiotics are used.
Learn more about ReAct Latin America
ReAct’s Code of Conduct for Ethical Behavior
ReAct’s Code of Conduct for Ethical behaviour aims to ensure that Staff and Associates treat each other and people in the communities that we work with, with dignity and respect.
Click to download ReAct’s Code of Conduct for Ethical Behavior (PDF)
ReAct’s Impact Report 2019-22
During 2019-2022 ReAct evolved as a network and increased its efforts to act on antibiotic resistance at a global, regional and country level. Together, the five ReAct nodes have collaborated – from community level to the highest global political agenda.
Click to learn more and download ReAct’s Impact Report 2019-2022
How we work
We share knowledge
ReAct shares and generates knowledge about antibiotic resistance. This includes compiling scientific evidence, collecting in-country experiences and best practices on managing antibiotic resistance. A lot of information can be found throughout our website and in the ReAct Toolbox.
Read more: How ReAct shares knowledge
We influence policy
Based on our broad expertise, local experience and our work with partners, we bridge the gap between science and policy by developing evidence-based analyses and recommendations. As antibiotic resistance is a threat to global health and human development, we engage brioadly in advocacy towards governments, funders, the private sector and industry, global institutions and other relevant stakeholders.
Read more: How ReAct influences policy
We encourage action
We need to act together – everyone can take action for a world free from untreatable infections. We raise awareness about antibiotic resistance and its drivers through innovative communication strategies, movement and coalition building and by using our convening power.
Read more: How ReAct encourages action