News and Opinions  –  2023

World Microbiome Day: Join international dialogue on Art, Microbes and Planetary Health!

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22 June, ReAct Latin America invites you and members of your organization to an exciting online event on "Art, Microbes and Planetary Health" to mark World Microbiome Day 27 June. Further down you find link to recording of the dialogue.

The invisible world of microbes and their importance in creating and maintaining the processes of life is in focus during this international dialogue.

ReAct Latin America wants to celebrate life and help sensitize better understanding for our relationship with the invisible world of microbes – that we all need for health and life – both in our personal and in collective ecosystems. Art brings emotional and visual power to the issue.

The international dialogue between artists and scientists/philosophers proposes a new metaphor for human relationships with the microbial world, namely Dancing with Bacteria.

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