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ReAct contributing to WHO Global Action Plan on AMR

At the World Health Assembly in May 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) was requested to develop a draft global action plan to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR). ReAct responded to the invitation from WHO to relevant organizations, institutions, networks, civil society groups, national authorities and ministries to contribute to the plan during an online consultation held between July 4th and September 1st 2014. ReAct believes that there is a need for an effective and rapidly responsive structure of global governance, coordination, and accountability for addressing AMR.



The world's collective responsibility to conserve antibiotic effectiveness

Despite extensive debate there is not yet concerted global action. With the policy document “The World´s Collective Responsibility to Conserve Antibiotic Effectiveness”, ReAct takes the discussion further and calls for a formal global debate on future distribution and use of new antibiotics with the participation of all stakeholders. It suggests concrete actions and presents ideas on what governments, health practitioners, businesses and the international community can do to deal with it.


New antibiotic resistance coalition urges immediate action

In a declaration launched today, during the 67th World Health Assembly, ReAct and partners in the new Antibiotic Resistance Coalition (ARC), a group of civil society organisations working in human, environmental and agricultural health, urges immediate global action to tackle the rapidly accelerating threat of antibiotic resistance.


ReAct Latin America releases manual on the appropriate use of antibiotics

Today the manual “Uso Apropriado de Antibióticos y Resistencia Bacteriana” is being launched at a ReAct Latin America art and culture event.

The book highlights the invisible world of bacteria and their integrated functions with humans and nature and emphasizes the need for a new scientific paradigm to address the issue from an ecosystems perspective.


ReAct joins forces with African networks to manage AMR

Facilitated by the Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN), ReAct is organizing a network meeting in Nairobi on April 9-11 gathering public health experts from different African countries. The aim of the meeting is to join forces and come up with new strategies on how to work together to manage AMR in Africa.


Ghana aiming for African agenda on ABR management by 2015

In February 2011, the Ghanaian Ministry of Health and ReAct jointly organized a two-day workshop in Accra, Ghana to explore options for the formulation of a national policy to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This event marked the beginning of a process that has now evolved into the creation of a Ghanaian platform of key stakeholders with respect to AMR to champion the agenda in country.


Antibiotic awareness week 2014

Antibiotic Awareness Week, November 17-23, is marked annually in the US, Canada and Australia while Thailand, Europe, Hong Kong and Mexico. These annual public health initiatives have emerged to raise awareness of antibiotic resistance and promote the responsible use of antibiotics.

During the week a wide range of webinars, pledges to join, twitter chats and antibiotic stewardship events is offered to policy makers, health professionals and the general public. What will you engage in?