News and Opinions  –  2021

ReAct activities for World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2021

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Same as last years, ReAct will arrange and participate in a various set of activities during World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2021. There will be a mix of hybrid events, online events, on-location events and online campaigns. ReAct will engage with students, engage for children, hold or participate in webinars focusing on antibiotic resistance and for example community engagement, cancer, and National Action Plans. ReAct will also arrange various types of online engagement: community workshops, media workshops, civil society meetings, engage in the WHO Go-blue for AMR campaign and much more. We have listed all activities below.

ReAct Africa

Winners from 2020 student competitions in Kenya. Photo: ReAct Africa.

10-12 November. Africa WAAW Science Café for civil society organizations and media. Arranged by: WHO AFRO, WHO EMRO, FAO Africa, African Union, Africa CDC, OIE Animal Health, UNEP Africa and ReAct Africa.


18 November. Official Launch of the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2021 and Symposium. ReAct Africa will once again partner with the Ministry of Health Kenya to commemorate this year’s WAAW celebrations. There will be an official launch of WAAW 2021 and Symposium where ReAct and other involved partners will showcase work that is being done in relation to antimicrobial awareness. Two students will be included during this high-level launch and symposium.

20 November. ReAct Africa is co-organizing an online student’s competition on Facebook and Twitter. The entries will include artwork such as photos, videos, poems and dances around this year’s theme – awareness. The student with the largest impact on social media will be declared winner on Saturday 20 November.

25 November. Students Competition. Finalists of the art competition from four Alforja project primary schools will be showcasing their work and receive awards during World Antimicrobial Awareness Week in the western region.


18 November. Antibiotic Treatment Guidelines Launch. The University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in collaboration with ReAct Africa and the University of Maryland, with support from the Ministry of Health Zambia through the Antimicrobial Coordinating Committee of Zambia (AMRCC) will be launching their Antibiotic Treatment Guidelines. The Guidelines developed will be released in two versions; printed and an electronic version on an app which will be accessible to clinicians in other facilities. The event will engage clinicians and key stakeholders such as the Minister of Health.

30 November – 3 December. ReAct Africa Conference. ReAct Africa and South Centre will be hosting the second virtual annual conference. This year’s conference will be themed “Progress achieved on the Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance and pandemic preparedness in the African Region”.
The conference will seek to:

  1. To assess implementation of GAP including governance issues, implementation progress and ongoing challenges.
  2. To examine linkages between AMR and pandemic preparedness, one health approach and lessons from COVID-19.
  3. To review NAP financing landscape, challenges and opportunities
  4. To bring together AMR experts, CSOs, academia, government ministries, research institutions, intergovernmental institutions to discuss regional challenges and approaches to addressing AMR and the next steps in NAPs review and implementation.

Become an Antibiotic Guardian Africa. Choose one simple pledge about how you’ll make better use of antibiotics and help conserve these vital medicines. Share this with others too.

Contact for more information: Musonda Lamba

ReAct Asia Pacific

Photo by Ashna Basheer, one of the three best entries in the photo competition last year.

15 November. Satya Sivaraman, ReAct Asia Pacific is presenting Smart Farms project in India at the Call to Action Conference.


From 1 November and all month. Social media campaign (mainly Instragram) YOP and Ford Foundation. Focusing on antibiotic resistance and children. YOP on Instagram.

7 November. Webinar for parents. Theme: children and antibiotic resistance. Arranged by YOP and ReAct Asia Pacific.

Media briefing. Arranged by FAO.

24 November. Event by Ministry Of Health on Bali, Indonesia. Morning is a ceremonial event with officials joining the event. Afternoon is educational with a webinar for the public, themed One Health. The event-day will be hybrid.

OIE public campaign one health. ICE material. Focus: knowledge attitudes. Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies (CIVAS) will lead this work, Vida Paraty, ReAct Asia Pacific is asked to join the team.


12 November. Online workshop in collaboration with Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU) titled “Community Ownership of Action Plans on AMR in Vietnam”.

18 November. Satya Sivaraman, ReAct Asia Pacific, will be speaker and a judge  for the session on ‘AMR and COMMUNICATION CHALLENGE’ at the AMR Youth Summit organized by World Health Students’ Alliance.

18-24 November. Results of the Student Research Champions for AMR ’21, a competition organized by ReAct Asia Pacific will be announced. The competition involves undergraduate and postgraduate medical college students presenting research proposals that will be evaluated by a jury and the best ones picked for  awards in the two categories (UG and PG). Organized by ReAct Asia Pacific and ASPIC Clubs.

Student photo competition. Themes: Antibiotic pollution, zoonotic diseases & antibiotic resistance, self medication & over-the-counter use, climate change & antibiotic resistance. Entries are accepted until 20 November. Send to: Winners will be announced during the week.The annual Photography competition is organized by ReAct Asia Pacific under the ASPIC banner.

Contact for more information: India: Satya Sivaraman Indonesia: Vida Parady

ReAct Europe

17 November. Online forum in Swedish by Public Health Agency and – Antibiotikaforum. Theme: Sweden on a global arena. Anna Zorzet, ReAct Europe one of the speakers.

18 November. Online event by UICC. Special Focus Dialogue: Cancer patients are the most obvious victims of the superbug crisis – How do we ensure access to the right treatment at the right time to address AMR?  Anna Zorzet, ReAct Europe one of the speakers. Register for the special dialogue.

Online campaign. Newsletter, website, social media. We will GO-BLUE for AMR!

Contact for more information: Therese Holm

ReAct Latin America

3 November, 10-12 November. Empowering Communities against Antimicrobial Resistance in the context of COVID-19 – a 4-day Summit arranged by ReAct Latin America, PAHO/WHO and Florida International University. Latin America discusses the role of the community in National Action Plans on AMR. The discussions was held under the One Health umbrella.The summit was translated live into English and Portuguese. Learn more about the 4-Day Summit and find agenda.

3 November. Pre-summit-day. This first day is about community, engagement and empowerment.
Day 1 – Empowerment of the community in health care. Stories of communities. Health system, use abx, improve use, empowerment health care. Special programme to show community – why work in community. Health

10-12 November. Continuing the Summit-days which include artistic section, lectures, panel forums, working groups and every day ends with a cultural artistic intervention.

Will launch two Calls for Action:
1, Stories of the community – Theme: community empowerment.
2, Call for health workers to write abstracts.

These will be launched as book with abstracts and stories next year.

Learn more about the Summit

18-24 November. Social media campaign.

18-24 November. Media, newspaper, to broadcast.

Contact for more information: Juan-Carlos López

ReAct North America

Few of the students in the selected teams for Innovate4Health in 2019. Photo: ReAct North America.

18-20 November. Innovate4Health 2021. The student participants in the 2021 Innovate4Health, global virtual design sprint to tackle emerging infectious diseases will be publicly announced. Select teams will present at the 2nd Global AMR Youth Summit organized by the World Health Students Alliance.

20-22 November. AMR Youth summit. Professor Anthony So, ReAct North America, will present on Day 1 (Thursday, November 18) at the “Opening Ceremony Session on AMR in the Post-COVID Era” alongside other global AMR policymakers. Finally, the ReAct North America is organizing a dialogue on “AMR and policy: the future of global governance” (20 November) to share civil society’s perspective and critique on current and future trends of AMR global governance.

Contact for more information: Prateek Sharma


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