News and Opinions  –  2017

Media workshop on bacterial resistance in Ecuador: a success

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Antibiotic resistance is a pressing global challenge that requires a concerted response by all members of society. Everyone can do their own part to address the growing threat. Journalists play an important role to spread and share information to other stakeholders. It is important to guide these professionals in their communications around the complex issue of antibiotic resistance and encourage them to join ReAct in the call to action.

In the beginning of June, the International Media Training Workshop: Understanding Bacterial Resistance from Communication, was held in Cuenca, Ecuador. ReAct Latin America organized the event together with the University of Azuay, Catholic University of Cuenca, and the National Union of Journalists. The workshop was attended by 30 health- and social journalists from various parts of the world. They listened to:

  • Argentine journalist Matías Zibell: The Challenges of Scientific Journalism.
  • Arturo Quizhpe, Head of ReAct Latin America: Microbial World-Bacteria and Life.
  • Satya Sivaraman, Communications Coordinator, ReAct Asia Pacific: What is Health? How should journalists approach it?
  • Hugo Guillermo, Ecuadorian journalist: Health through the Radio.

A workshop to raise awareness

The purpose of the workshop was to raise awareness about antibiotic resistance among journalists. Both general and specific topics were covered that journalists can work with in their communications to improve public awareness. The debates were creative and included the use of stories in science and health that have contributed to research and healing.

The journalists responded to a pre-test and post-test to assess their knowledge about antibiotic resistance and health, before and after the workshop. Participants also received take home materials with more in depth information and antibiotic resistance from ReAct Latin America